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Jubilee Pool Stories
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Penzance Swimming Association and Water Polo Club
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50 yards swimming certificate from 1934
Alvin Williams with cup and team
Alvin Williams with winner's cup and team
Article commemorating Ken Jilbert's retirement
Bathing suits ancient and modern
Brian Martin talks
Caught on camera - swimming club awards in the 1950s
Certificate for second place in the long distance swim
Certificate for the long distance swim
Club and County winners
Cornwall County shield
Cornwall County shield
Coronation souvenir certificate
Coronation souvenir certificate
Coronation souvenir certificate
Coronation souvenir certificate
County champions
Crab cup
Crab Cup winners
Elizabeth Glover (nee Cooper) and Julia Rescorla-Ryan
Elizabeth Glover (nee Cooper), Liz Jilbert and Judith Tresidder
End of season team photo
Front of tournament brochure
Girls' Water Polo Team
Inside of tournament brochure
Inside of tournament brochure
Junior water polo league finalists
Ken Jilbert starting gun, caps, whistle, Eileen Jilbert stop watch
Ladies water polo team, regional champions
Ladies water polo team, Western Counties winners
Ladies' county team
List of Swimming Association officials
Liz Nicholls talks
Medals from Penzance Swimming Association and Water Polo Club
Membership card front
Membership card page 1
Membership card page 2
Membership card page 3
Membership card page 4
Membership card page 5
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